Saturday, May 17, 2014

Who rescued who??

This is Mary Elizabeth...
This beautiful girl was diagnosed with leukemia. Her fuzzy buddy was a high kill shelter survivor. We often say..who rescues, who? This was an update from her mom on her facebook page. Mary's mom said, "He saves her life and ours daily. We love him sooo much!!! He is her therapy cat! And won't leave her side. At times she layed down next to him from the hospital bed and they "talk" to each other. He rubs all over the iPad and cries for her when she is not here. Love Big Pete!!!"

"Mary E. is having a good day. She is resting a lot and feels good. Still working on her appetite:) After seeing the bond M.E has with her pets and seeing the therapy animals at the hospital I thought my post today would be about that. I know not everyone is a cat person or an animal/pet person. But I wanted to share our cat story with you as I sit on our deck and watch ME and her cat just love the heck out of each other. You will have a hard time convincing me animals don't have souls. So, after losing my big orange cat of 16 years and going 3 years pet-less I had semi convinced my husband we were ready for a new cat. So I told my animal rescue friend Nicole Davis who works with Angels Among Us to find us a orange Persian kitten. The NEXT day she was showing me this sad looking older 4 paw declaw Persian in a high kill shelter that she thought I needed to "save". Well, I couldn't say no. Although I worried whoever put a 4 paw declaw Persian in a kill shelter probably did so because he peed on everything and this cat probably was a nut job! But I agreed to take this baby in. Whit named him "Peter Parker Spidey" AKA "Big Pete". The day we got him was ME's birthday and we ran right after ME's 9th birthday party to get him!!!
He was a huge, furry, matted, scared mess and meowed like a goat! But we have loved him like no other ever since. And he rarely pees out of his litter box:) He is an amazing cat! Mary says he was her best birthday present. He always follows her around. They talk "cat" daily and have their own language and understand each other. He sleeps with her. Wakes the kids up every morning. Makes sure they are in their beds at night. He even alerts us when something is wrong. The day we were home before the leukemia diagnosis he laid on her and wouldn't get off so much to the point that ME said, "I love Pete, but he won't get off me and I can't sleep." Animals are some of the best therapy. If you don't like cats or have had a bad cat experience you should meet ours. We might change your mind. We now have three pets. They were all older when we got them and all amazing. Consider adopting an older pet from a rescue. They will have your favorite breed, I am sure. Mine is obviously Persian but RESCUE is the BEST breed! You won't regret it. And ALWAYS please be responsible and spay and neuter! Mary E. wants to get a therapy dog next and help others. Of course she does! Oh boy!"

Thank you Mandi and family for adopting! We are happy Big Pete can be there to comfort Mary Elizabeth.

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